A scuba diving fairy tale
On March 8, 2023, several news organizations, including the New York Times, published a story emanating from an investigation they say they undertook in which they allege that the Nord Stream pipeline was blown up by six random Ukrainians working from a little sail boat. The story was populated in other newspapers, including The Guardian here.
The story is ludicrous.
The theory of the story goes something like this:
Once upon a time on the German island of Rugen, five men and a woman, dressed in sailor’s clothing, rented a little sail boat called Andromeda. It was the beginning of September, and the weather was rainy, cloudy and cold.

The six bad actors were seen carrying food and water in shopping bags aboard the little sailboat. They then boarded and sailed away to the island of Christiansø in Denmark.
One of them used a fake passport; the other five did not (which has to mean the identity of 5 of the alleged bad actors is known).
Around September 23, 2022, they left Christiansø, and sailed to the precise spot where the Nord Stream 2 pipes lay on the seabed floor, some 260 feet below in the black cold Baltic Sea.
They threw the anchor overboard knowing, as all sailors do, that the 2,000 foot rope radius tied to the anchor would be a problem, shifting the little boat’s location continually within the rope radius, as the boat bobbed on the waves. This meant that the boat would be at a different place when they came to the surface.
They jumped in the water, with hundreds of kilograms of C4 explosives. Already we know that they are superhuman to be able to carry such weight overboard. They turned on their recreational helmet lights, and dove down 260 feet down in record time. When they reached the seabed, without the use of any buoyancy aides, or lift bags, they were miraculously able to carry, move and hold the hundreds of kilograms of C4 to fasten it to the cement-encased pipes.
With what, string?
After each day’s work, they zoomed up to the surface.
They did this for four days straight, for about 9 hours a day factoring in ascension time, without one intelligence agency, passenger boat, coast guard, surveillance air craft or satellite intel operator seeing them.
Being impliedly superhuman unlike the rest of us, they didn’t need nitrogen in their tanks, didn’t have to contend with deep sea pressure problems and equalize the air pressure on the decent or ascent, and didn’t need or have a decompression chamber.
By September 26, 2022, their mission was accomplished.
The bad actors finished the last bit of work on the seabed floor, tying the C4 to the pipes, came up to the surface with no equalization problems whatsoever, pulled up anchor, and hurriedly motored away, detonating the C4 as they left.
Diving below 150 feet requires humans to use mixed gas, and ergo the operation must have been a saturation dive.
With sat diving, the divers live in a pressure chamber, pressurized to the depth of the seabed of the Baltic Sea. Any scuba diver going down in recreational gear without special equipment and air supply, as the story implies, would be incapacitated or dead when they reach a depth of 260 feet, and if they were not dead, they would be unable to come back to surface alive, and if they did, they would have a life-threatening case of the bends.
In a sat dive, the divers go from a sat chamber to a diving bell which is lowered to the working depth. They then leave the bell and perform their tasks, while attached to the bell through a series of umbilical cords that deliver gas to the divers, hot water (to keep divers from freezing to death) and electricity, and which provide video and audio capabilities to communicate and which sends back real-time video footage of the divers’ work.
Divers can work for about five to six hours in such conditions and once they have finished working, they enter the bell and are brought back up to the sat chamber. They live in the sat chamber and must remain there until depression is over. For 260 feet, human decompression takes at least 3 days.
The divers who went down to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to blow it up, needed to have a whole team of special technologists and life support technicians whose job was to provide the right gas mixture to them at all times, to monitor pressure and to keep them alive. There would have also been a communications team on-site to deal with audio and video communications so that the team on the ship could give instructions and directions to the divers working below.
The work of sat divers is incredibly hazardous, arduous, and mentally and physically challenging. If that work involves dealing with explosives on the seabed floor, its exponentially more dangerous. There aren’t that many people in the world who are qualified to do this work, and bearing in mind that they probably belong to PADI, and other elite social deepsea diving groups, the candidate pool is small.
According to the New York Times, they are Ukrainian and one of those elite divers is a woman.
If that is to be believed, de-cloaking the identity of the alleged six Ukrainian elite sat-experienced deepsea divers who blew up Nord Stream 2 should take a journalist or investigator about 2 hours to figure out. It’s super simple, right? Find 6 Ukrainians, one a woman, who are certified in advanced deepsea diving who have enough hours clocked and enough experience in sat dives with knowledge of explosives to pull it off.
But there is an smaller pool of people involved than the pool of elite deepsea divers and it’s the life support technicians – the gas experts – who keep deepsea divers alive. Its super simple, right? Find a team of educated, qualified, experienced life-support technicians for sat dives in Ukraine, and you’ve found the bombers.
Regardless of who blew up Nord Stream 2, the most important thing to keep in mind is this – because the operation had to be a sat dive, the entire deepsea operation was filmed, and the footage is storied in several places.
Question is – where is it?