Another Australian Bank De-Risks and Exits Remittance Business Over Terrorist Financing Regulatory Risks; Financial Inclusion and Shadow Banking Seen As Repercussion

Tweet Fourth banks closes remittances businesses Another bank in Australia, the Westpac Bank, has announced it will close its remittance business division next week over the difficulty of complying with counter-terrorism laws. By de-risking and closing its remittance division, the Bank is terminating the bank accounts of all of its business customers who operate money […]

Is the ATM Global Network Unwittingly Used for Terrorist Financing?

Tweet We’re pleased to announce that Christine Duhaime is giving a presentation on the issue of “How the ATM Network Globally is Unwittingly Used for Terrorist Financing & Ways to Prevent it” at the 2015 Interac Conference in Ottawa. After a spouse of a member of the Islamic State Tweeted to the world from ar-Raqqah, […]

UK keeps its promise to jail officers for non-compliance with money laundering laws – likely world’s first incarceration over AML/CTF regulatory compliance failures

Tweet In what may be a world first, a UK Court has jailed the officer and owner of a money services business essentially for failing to comply with regulatory requirements for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing. Paramjit Singh Sangha, who operated a money services business called PS Gold Exchange in England, failed to comply with […]

Court in Canada says despite notice of surveillance, violent offender has expectation of privacy over texts in public casino

Tweet Expectation of privacy In an odd decision out of Canada, a provincial level Supreme Court has ruled that a violent offender gambling at a public casino has an expectation of privacy when using his cellular phone to text despite the fact that gamblers are notified of being under surveillance when entering casinos. The decision […]

US veterans file billion dollar claims against global banks over terrorist financing and sanctions avoidance and claim that the conduct continues today

Tweet Anti-Terrorism Act filing against global banks Yesterday, symbolically the day before Remembrance Day, several plaintiffs filed suit against a number of global foreign banks based in the United States under the Anti-Terrorism Act (the “ATA“), including HSBC Holdings Plc, Barclays, Standard Chartered Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland. The plaintiffs are seeking damages that could […]

Canada to adopt terrorism law to spy on homegrown terrorists – will it be challenged?

Tweet New proposed terrorism surveillance law The government of Canada will announce proposed legislation tomorrow to increase its counter-terrorism measures in response to the national security threats from the Islamic State. The proposed law will give more power to CSIS agents in Canada to detect and track persons associated with, or suspected to be associated […]

Islamic State – ISIS funded by sales of oil, captured women and taxes Christians must pay to stay alive; and how banks are used to finance terrorism

Tweet Terrorist groups are not a financial island This article has been updated and replaced with the White Paper on ISIS’ Terrorist Financing available here.

Australia faces ISIS terrorist threat; closes MSB over suspect terrorist financing

Tweet AUSTRAC unregisters MSB Australia’s financial intelligence unit, AUSTRAC, has suspended the registration and activities of a money services business (MSB) in Australia over questions arising from potential terrorist financing. It is the first time AUSTRAC has suspended a reporting entity. The MSB, operating under the trade name Bisotel Rieh Pty Ltd., failed to report […]

ISIS puts terrorist financing back on global political agenda

Tweet The key issue at the International Conference on Peace and Security in Iraq today was terrorist financing – how the ISIS got to be financed thus far and how to disrupt its financing. The Conference, convened by the President of France and of Iraq, was convened to discuss ways to deal with the growing threat […]

Bankrupting the banks? Historic trial may find financial institutions liable for the terrorist acts of customers

Tweet Banks and financial institutions around the world are closely watching the Linde v. Arab Bank case unfold in New York City. It’s the first civil trial against a bank for alleged violations of the AntiTerrorism Act of 1990 (“ATA“), 18 USC 2331. The litigation seeks to hold the Arab Bank, a third party, liable for injuries resulting from acts […]